Devon Artsculture

Devon Artsculture Project Officer, January 2005 – December 2007, Beaford Arts

A three-year £1m Objective 2, economic regeneration partnership project, providing business support for Creative Industries small businesses. The project partners were Beaford Arts, Dartington Plus and Devon County Council.

Based at Beaford Arts and responsible for the North Devon and Torridge areas, Sadie successfully monitored and delivered all the output targets and brokered relationships with other arts organisations, business support providers and agencies.

She delivered the programme of activities and events all of which were designed to reach new audiences, customers and markets and achieve an increase in sales or bookings. The programme included seminars, bursaries and business surgeries; exhibitions; rural touring in partnership with local promoters; arts markets; support to attend trade and public fairs and a mentoring scheme. Sadie introduced networking to act as a platform for the sharing of skills and information and receiving support.

Two major exhibitions were curated by Sadie at RHS Rosemoor in North Devon and the Artworks Gallery in Newcastle upon Tyne. She created NE by SW, a unique collaboration between artists in Devon and Northumberland. The initiative joined 30 artists from Devon and Northumbria’s The Aurora Project, with each artist twinned with another from the opposite region, giving the public and artists themselves a chance to compare mediums, styles, and methods of working. Their work on the theme of Contemporary Landscapes and the Environment was shown side by side at the gallery. This provided an opportunity for Devon artists to exhibit in Newcastle for the very first time.