The Way of the Wharves

Way of the Wharves Project Manager January 2016 – February 2017

“I went along as a new person interested in local history. Sadie was very welcoming and inclusive and organised each week to utilise the volunteers’ skills and encouraging us to learn new ones. We enjoyed recording memories from older members of the local community and set up an open afternoon with displays as well as other activities in the local area which Sadie was instrumental in organising with tremendous enthusiasm.” (Becky, volunteer)


A Community Cultural Heritage project discovering and celebrating local and historical connections to East the Water Wharves and the Port of Bideford from early maritime history through to the present day. Sadie brought her big idea to life, utilising her experience, knowledge, historical research, community contacts, enthusiasm, and passion to make it happen.

The Way of the Wharves (WOTW) Project was devised and developed by Bideford Bay Creatives (BBC), a Community organisation founded by Sadie. She wrote a successful bid to secure funding from the People’s Health Trust in December 2015 and managed the project for BBC through it’s first 2 years. After Sadie wrote another successful grant application for funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund, Anthony Burt took over the project management from November 2017. Through its first 3 years the project gained an identity with its own logo, website and t-shirt. It amassed 62 oral histories;  researched, designed and printed a Heritage Trail Guide, led guided walks; ran workshops in schools and produced a Teachers resource Pack; researched and wrote a timeline of Bideford’s Wharves from pre-history up to the present, and had an information panel made for Bideford’s quayside wall.

WOTW worked with two neighbourhoods in Bideford, on both sides of the river, to establish a Community group of volunteers. The aim was to develop a sense of pride in the past, strengthening community spirit. Residents found out more about their neighbourhood and discovered the community’s contribution to the Wharves, historically and to the present day.

Sadie oversaw and managed part one of the project. She set up the community group of residents who helped to run it , and together they developed activity content, agreed the timing and duration of activities and method of approach, and invited other residents to take part. This ensured that that the project involved as many residents and volunteers as possible. Sadie recruited and managed the volunteers and their training sessions; recruited and supervised paid freelancers for presentations, walks and workshops; co-ordinated the end of project celebration; managed the budget and ensured project monitoring, documentation and evaluation were completed.

With Sadie’s help and guidance, volunteers undertook lots of research; gathered stories through audio equipment; wrote and led guided walks; enabled school workshops to be run and delivered and shared the findings with the community. Part one of the project was celebrated with a highly successful and well attended one-day event at the Community centre. This event featured an exhibition of the history and heritage collected, spanning hundreds of years of Wharves activity; live music; a screening of community photographs; artworks created by schools and community groups; workshops, quizzes and lots of tea and cake.

Quotes from project volunteers:

“Sadie approaches everything in a positive friendly organised way with cake!!” (Lou)

” …. I enjoyed my time on the WOTW. project looking into the history of Bideford. Our Leader Sadie Green was a good leader, always cheerful with plenty of Ideas to inspire on where to seek and search for lost history. Much Data was gleaned  and added to local Bideford records, Including on the very first English colony in America from Bideford.” (Jon)

“Sadie’s relaxed style made project meetings for volunteers fun and a piece of cake always helps”(Mike)

“As a volunteer I evaluated the attendance of the end of project WOTW’S exhibition open day at the local Pollyfield community centre. The event was a success, attended by local artists and historians and was well attended by local people from both sides of the water and their families. Attendees who would normally be estranged from cultural and historical events” (Sue S)

The project worked with, and received support from, Bideford Town Council, Torridge District Council, The Burton Art Gallery and Museum, Bideford Community Archive, Bideford Library, The Museum of Barnstaple and North Devon, historians, and local history groups.

After a very successful 3 years, under Bideford Bay Creatives’ management, the Way of the Wharves Project grew it’s own wings. The enthusiastic and resilient Way of the Wharves volunteers took ownership of it and created a Charitable organisation to continue the work.

Visit the WOTW Project home page here